I've been sick like a dog lately.

When I go to sleep I cough a lot and make weird noises. I went to my doctor who is old school. He has ancient medicinal tools, His office is old and stinky but it's sort of like a model of history past and present. He has old tools as well as new ones.

I like going to him because his medicine is always the right one and also because he's subversive. When I mean that he's subversive is that he doesn't like the way that some segments of society run. For instance he thinks HMO's overcharge people and are morally suspect. He also thinks too many doctors prescribe ADD pills when none are necessary.

He doesn't like the way our government runs. The list goes on and on. He's not hi tech but if you have a some type of illness he will either help you or direct you to someone who can without tons of paperwork or swearing bloodoaths or anything like that. He charges patients a fair price and many people who do not or can not afford health care go to him for service. The subject that he probably is most passionate about is education.

He feels that if everyone should have equal access to it. Also, I don't think he's into Science Fiction/UFO's/paranormal stuff because I had a book with me based on that and he looked displeasantly surprised that I was reading "that stuff". He doesn't accept alien patients.

When I get sick I hardly have anything to do. Sometimes I feel like if I'm going out of my mind, then I realize its a fever. Sometimes when I have a fever I start hallucinating, its not nice. I see and hear things and the walls change shapes. I remember when I was younger I would see spiders on the walls or the cat would talk to me.

Now usually I hear people's voices, or I see things like the walls moving. There are a wide variety of explanations for me getting sick. I think all those explanations have a grain of truth. What I do know is that when I was in Fresno for about a year and a half and I did not get sick one penny.

However, since I have arrived to the Los Angeles area I've gotten sick no less than four times in less than a six month period. We'll be moving out of my family's home pretty soon, so hopefully one of the factors will be removed from my sickness. Anyway lately I've been thinking of doing many fun things and my imagination has been running wild.

Lately all I think about is work and problems but I think maybe that's what's gotten me sick. I think that the human mind is very capable of more things that we allow it. In other words god gave us all a great mind, a awesome heart and a big spirit.

We should at least use it. That's all for now.
Labels: aliens, doctor, dog, hallucinations, hmos, old school, sick